Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Here it is December and we still have green grass? For some that might seem a dream come true, but for the winter bride it's a nightmare! Here are some pictures of Danielle, a December bride extraordinaire. It might seem chilly, but the results are definitely worth cold toes. Happy upcoming anniversary Danielle & Jordan!

Emma & Colby

A non-traditional trend is on the rise in the wedding industry. We did this bride & groom shoot prior to the wedding day. It's so sweet to see the groom gazing at his beautiful bride in her wedding dress for the first time! Emma & Colby were fabulous for their pictures. We did the shoot at the Garden Park church early in the morning. When we were finished we had hundreds of shots of the two of them together as well as portraits of each individually. This trend is a keeper I think!

Aimee & Brandon's Engagement Pictures

This young couple was full of fun! We tried not to take too many "kissy" pictures. The groom was worried about what his future father-in-law would think! Here is just a sampling of the fun we had at two different locations.

Abby & Tom

Here are some photos from the wedding of Tom & Abby Bunnell. What a delightful wedding day! We had alot of fun shooting around the Salt Lake Temple today. Big families made for lots of fun family pictures as well.

Update Your Family Picture!

About 6 years ago I had a bad experience trying to get a family picture taken. It was the first time since the addition of our twins. This experience inspired me to think that it should not be painful to have pictures taken of your most prized possesions. Thus was Wendi Coombs Photography born! These are some recent family portraits that I've taken. It is a beautiful time of year for family pictures (any time is a beautiful time!). Enjoy, and if you find yourself in one of these pictures, thank you for taking the time to decide what to wear and bribbing the kids with a trip to McDonalds if they cooperate. I hope you had as much fun as I did! P.S. I did sneak one of my own family in there. See if you can guess which one. My kids actually do better with the remote than when I'm standing behind the camera!

Kristin & Brandon

I want to share some photos from the recent wedding of Kristin & Brandon. We shot engagements in downtown SLC. Getting kicked out of the Gateway was a highlight! Strange happenings for three law abiding citizens just minding their own business. Anyway, we got some fun shots. The bridals were gorgeous. It's hard to take a bad picture of a nearly 6 foot gorgeous blonde. The wedding day was lovely from beginning to end. I fell in love with the grandparents on this one. What a fun day we had.