Update Your Family Picture!

About 6 years ago I had a bad experience trying to get a family picture taken. It was the first time since the addition of our twins. This experience inspired me to think that it should not be painful to have pictures taken of your most prized possesions. Thus was Wendi Coombs Photography born! These are some recent family portraits that I've taken. It is a beautiful time of year for family pictures (any time is a beautiful time!). Enjoy, and if you find yourself in one of these pictures, thank you for taking the time to decide what to wear and bribbing the kids with a trip to McDonalds if they cooperate. I hope you had as much fun as I did! P.S. I did sneak one of my own family in there. See if you can guess which one. My kids actually do better with the remote than when I'm standing behind the camera!