Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Here it is December and we still have green grass? For some that might seem a dream come true, but for the winter bride it's a nightmare! Here are some pictures of Danielle, a December bride extraordinaire. It might seem chilly, but the results are definitely worth cold toes. Happy upcoming anniversary Danielle & Jordan!


Fromm's said...

Wendi! It's Jessie Chournos Fromm. I wanna know where our pictures are? Hello we were your favorite couple! Ha I'm joking. I might be calling you about some family photos. Oh and to see if by chance you still have our pictures on file because there's one I really want and can't find on our cd's

Marshall and Jennifer said...

Wendi - I got you blog site from a friend that you did their wedding pictures and i am very interested in talking with you further. Can you please shoot me an email with your contact information so that we can get in touch? jenniferholmstead@yahoo.com I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Wendi! Hi I also got your blog site from a friend.. I am looking for a wedding photographer and am very interested in talking with you and seeing my of the piouctures you've taken... Please get back with me by email at meganmarchant@mail.weber.edu with your contact information! Thank you! Hope to hear from ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy! Gorgeous pictures! You do such a great job. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you again soon.